STONOšKA hledá nový domov - logo

STONOšKA is looking for a new home.

STONOšKA hledá nový domov - logo

The thought of what will happen to children with disabilities in the future is a concern not only for parents but also for their siblings as parents age and siblings grow up.

The desire to find a safe home and at the same time have suitable spaces for the activities of the STONOšKA club led to the creation of the project "STONOšKA hledá nový domov" (STONOšKA is looking for a new home).

The main goal of the project is to find a safe home in a natural environment and to create a base for the activities of the STONOšKA club, which currently operates in rented premises.

Thanks for your support.

Introduction to the Collection

The STONOšKA Club is one of the many clubs under the Association of Parents and Friends of Children with Disabilities in the Czech Republic. The club focuses on effectively utilizing the free time of its members, who are children and young adults with any type of disability, with no age limit. Our most important goal is to provide all members with a sense of belonging and to meet their needs. Within our club, members can visit the Day Center for Leisure Activities, participate in afternoon interest groups, and take part in residential events.

Currently, the club finds its refuge in rented commercial premises, which, over time, have become less suitable for our needs. When we initially moved into these premises, we had to overcome several accessibility shortcomings, such as the spaces being located on an upper floor, requiring us to lift our members in wheelchairs up the stairs. At the time, these shortcomings seemed minor because we urgently needed new space, and these premises were generously offered to us. However, we are now running out of space, which hinders our ability to fully develop our members' potential. New members are joining, and we are losing the ability to provide personal space for our existing members.

The lack of space is just one of the reasons why we need your help. Our club always strives to reflect the needs and wishes of our members. Now, as our members, their parents, and siblings age, there is a growing need to expand our services. Parents have clear wishes: “We want our children to have a safe and stable place to live in the future”. We would like to help fulfill this wish. Therefore, we have decided to start searching for a new home for the STONOšKA Club, where we can offer our members the possibility of longer-term stays, thus relieving their parents or siblings of some of the caregiving responsibilities. Since our club members grow up in a family environment and are cared for daily by their parents, our goal is to provide care similar to what they are accustomed to at home.

We kindly ask for your support to help us meet the wishes of parents and siblings by assisting us in our mission to find a new home for our members.

A home that will be a familiar and safe place for them.

A home to which they will gladly and confidently return.

A home they deserve.

Thank you!

Whom Will We Help?

You will be helping the parents of our members, who are aware that their strength is not limitless and that one day they will need assistance in caring for their children. You will also be helping the siblings of our members, who worry about the future of their siblings and their own future. Your help will allow them to breathe easier. They will know that they are not alone and that, regardless of where their personal plans and family life take them, they will have support and certainty that their loved ones are being cared for with love in the new STONOšKA Club home.

What Will the Funds Be Used For?

We intend to use the raised funds to purchase a property and renovate it to meet our specific needs. If we do not raise enough money to buy a house, we would use the funds to buy land with the possibility of building a new house. If the funds raised are not sufficient to buy land, we would use them to rent more suitable premises for the activities of our club.